End of the trip to Qingdao

Publié le par tianjinexpat.over-blog.com

Qingdao 576On monday We decided to finally go around the gigantic Park named Zhongshan Park which takes half of the surface of the town (when I say big, it really is). So we took the bus and began to walk through it, even if it seemed at first that everything was under construction. It appeared after one or two hours that it was indeed all under construction... Whatever... We saw a funfair and enjoyed it for a while, throwing balls at teddy bears to finally obtain two ridiculous ones, but it was funny so... Then we ate at a restaurant, trying to find chicken but they served us heads of chicken with shells.. Great! Whatever, James was happy to eat seefood and I just enojoyed my rice, like the other days at Qingdao. Around the park, there was one temple which wasn't completely destroyed by workmen all around ; it was surrounded by water flowers, beautiful ones, and we just enjoyed the view for a while.
During the afternoon we watched movies, such as the men who stare at goats (really funny) and the time traveller's wife (romantic :°)), waiting for the Qingdao 573night to come in order to go again at the funfair... But... of course, when we arrived there it was closed, as if funfairs don't work during the night in China... Wonder why... Then we came to the same restaurant, ate some vegetables, James took some strange shrimps (very big but with nothing in it) and after that a waiter came to talk to us and... that was the first real chat in chinese I had with chinese people, understanding everything!! We talked about France, Euro, and the prices of restaurants in France, explaining we couldn't go there often because it was really expensive, and so on... I was really glad being able to talk in chinese!!

The day after, our train was at 18h20 and we had to leave the room at noon so we stayed there, enjoying the fact that we could sleep, then packed our things (returned in Tianjin I realized I forgot a dress, and in Qingdao we realized we've lost the papers containing the contract for the apartment... I hope it won't be a problem.. afteQingdao 605r all the contract was on a sheet of paper, not really official), and then took the bus to the train station. There, we took a coffee and waited, waited waited... Ah yes, we also went to the church (in front of, don't worry) and there it was just peaceful with tons of brides taken by photographs in their beautiful dresses, and we red like 2 hours there...
In the train we were with two people from Haerbin, a town in the north of China near Russia, and it took them 26 hours to go from Qingdao to Haerbin by train!! And then... we played UNO, a little of poker, and just waited. It was so long! So we went to the dinner wagon, trying to stay awake because we were arriving at Tianjin at 3 in the morning... and then... a guy, completely drunk, as everyone in the wagon, just puked in the toilets. Yummy!! But at least it was funny :p

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